There are many times in life when you are going to get depressed, and that is absolutely something that you may discover to be genuine. Let's just face it. Especially in this economy. Your boyfriend might break up with you. You might live in a really small apartment with no air conditioning. You might find that you have gotten rejected by every single literary agent in America when you are trying to be a writer. Maybe you have almost 100 grand in student loan debt that you will never be able to pay back because you only make 14 dollars an hour to type about shoes all day. That's all possible. And these are all valid reasons you could be depressed.
However, there are a lot of things that might make you happy. Going outside and feeling the sunshine on your face is a good one. Driving around with the windows rolled down blasting Beck is also good. Hanging out with a friend and drinking margaritas—even if her phone autocorrected it to say "margarine." All of these things are good and will definitely lift your spirits. The best thing to do, though, when you are depressed is go online and shop for a pair of Clarks shoes.
Clarks shoes have magical powers that will work wonders on your mood. You thought you needed Prozac? Well, actually, you just need a pair of boots that you can wear with your favorite jeans. Once you start strutting around town in your Clarks shoes, you will see what the real meaning of life is. You will find that all of the negative thoughts that you had about yourself will just melt away and disappear, all because your new Clarkes shoes are just that awesome.
Clarks shoes will make you happy. There is just no other way to say it. Do you remember how you felt when you graduated high school? Do you remember how you felt when you got married? Do you remember how you felt when you were 16 driving around town and the whole world felt like an exciting place full of opportunities and possibilities? Well, even though you're divorced and you don't actually use any of your education that you paid so much money for, when you buy a pair of Clarks shoes, you will feel that same optimism, and that is absolutely genuine if you are a human being.
There are all kinds of models, sizes, and varieties for you to choose from. It really just depends on how depressed you actually are. If you are just kind of sad, you can probably get away with just getting one pair of Clarks sandals. If you are minimally depressed, you will need a pair of Clarks sandals, some Clarks boots, and some heels. If you are almost suicidal, make sure you buy at least five pairs of shoes. You know what they say. Money can't buy you love or happiness, but it can buy you shoes. And for most people in this world, that's actually the same thing. You'll see. Just try it out. You'll see what I mean.
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